? Get a relaxing therapeutic massage. Use unscented lotion or therapeutic massage oil onto your palms and add 1 or 2 drop of important oil of clary sage, chamomile, geranium, lavender or orange blossom. After mixing this mixture in your hand, therapeutic massage it in your aching stomach or decrease back.
– Berries (blueberries, raspberries, blackberries). These fruits are identified for their anti-inflammatory properties that shield the gastrointestinal mucosa and forestall bladder infections. In addition, the berries are good sources of antioxidants, which neutralize free radicals within the body, stop cell damage and contribute to detoxification.
A woman’s sixth sense may be her greatest buddy.
– Cabbage and cauliflower are rich sources of phytochemicals, substances that destroy free radicals before they act on our body and compounds that assist the liver to neutralize toxins in the meals ingested. As well … Read the rest